Grant Application


Guidelines and Limitations:

  1. All benefits from the Foundation must be of a public, educational or other charitable nature, and must be paid only to entities having a 501(c)(3) status or its equivalent.
  2. The Foundation only funds programs in Sedgwick County, Colorado, and all grants must have a purpose that will primarily benefit the residents of that County.
  3. The tax-exempt recipient must be a sound organization and show good financial management.
  4. The Foundation will not award grants to individuals and/or  families directly.
  5. The Foundation will not provide funds to lobby legislation or to influence public elections.
  6. If not a Government Entity, then a copy of the IRS exemption letter must accompany the Grant Application form.
  7. The Foundation is not prohibited from making grants to religious organizations or for religious purposes but such applications will be given the lowest priority.

            All applications are due the first Wednesday of the month.

Application Procedures:                                                                                        1. Grant Application Documents                                                                        For your convenience, please download either the Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF version of the Grant Application, or complete the application online. Complete and mail or deliver to the address listed on the application.

DocGrant Application.doc
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DocGrant Application.pdf
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Submit Your Application Online

2. Grant Completion Report Documents                                                        For your convenience, please download either the Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF version of the Grant Completion Report. Complete and mail or deliver to the address listed on the application.

DocGrant Completion Report.doc
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DocGrant Completion Report.pdf
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